The Blue Bells School | Ways to Make Learning More Interesting for Students

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Ways to Make Learning More Interesting for Students

The world is changing and everyone is aware about the decreasing attention span in children. Engaging them in learning has become more critical than ever. Traditional teaching methods were effective earlier but with the changing era they fail to captivate the interest of modern learners. 

So one question arises in the minds of every guardian, teacher or parents, ‘How to make learning more effective, engaging & interesting for children?’

In this blog, we are going to cover such innovative teaching methods and interactive teaching strategies that are closely tried and tested by the educators at The Blue Bells School in making learning more fun for students.

1. Integrate Technology in the Classroom

If you want to make anything more engaging, introducing technology in it is one of the most effective methods. Smartboards, interactive classrooms, AR or VR can do what pen and paper can’t. (No offense to the older methods but changing with time is the only constant)

For instance, using smart classrooms to learn about historical sites or scientific phenomena has turned mundane lessons into engaging ones for our students at The Blue Bells School.

Engaging Classroom Activities in CBSE Board School in Gurgaon

2. Incorporate Fun Learning Activities

Introducing Engaging classroom activities like memory games, puzzles, and hands-on projects can grab their attention for good and make them feel like their choices are being preferred. These initiatives can make a massive difference in the eyes of children towards learning.

Example: A math teacher might use a treasure hunt game to teach geometry. Students could solve problems to get clues and ultimately find the “treasure,” which reinforces their understanding in a fun and memorable way.

Fun Learning Techniques in Gurgaon Schools

3. Use Interactive Teaching Strategies

Interactive teaching strategies can immensely increase student engagement. These methods encourage students to actively participate in the learning process, connecting  them with a deeper understanding of the topic,

Example: In an english class, instead of merely reading the topic, our educators make sure that every student engages in debate on the motivations of different characters. Share their two cents and use their sensibility to form opinions.

This not only makes the lesson more engaging but also develops critical thinking and public speaking skills.

4. Apply Real-World Connections

Time and time again it has been proved in children and even in adults that relatability is the best thing for retention of any concept. Hence, connecting lessons to the real-world can make learning less boring and more relevant for them. Be it maths, physics, english or even a story.

When they see how things work or apply in the real world, they understand, not just memorise, better.

5. Encourage Creative Ways to Teach

Creativity is everywhere, then why not in the teaching methods? Teachers can make boring storytelling sessions interesting with just a little role-playing & arts integration. This will make students more engaged and not distracted.

Example: An English teacher might use role-playing to teach a Shakespearean play. Students could dress up as characters and act out scenes, making the literature come alive and deepening their understanding of the text.

Students Enjoying Learning in Top Gurgaon Schools

6. Implement Student Engagement Techniques

Techniques like flipped classrooms, where students review material at home and engage in hands-on activities in class, can increase student engagement. This method allows students to learn at their own pace and come to class prepared to apply their knowledge.

Example: In a flipped classroom model, a biology teacher might assign a video lecture for homework. In class, students could then conduct experiments or engage in group discussions, applying what they learned from the video.

Innovative Teaching Methods at CBSE Schools in Gurgaon

7. Foster a Positive Learning Environment

One thing that’s always needed, at every point of life, is Support. Creating a supporting environment is very essential for students to open and speak freely about their problems. When they feel secure and heard, they are more likely to be engaged and even participate in the process.

Example: Our educators establish a classroom culture where mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. This encourages students to ask questions, experiment, and engage deeply with the material. 

The Blue Bells School as one of the top 10 CBSE schools in Gurgaon is already implementing these strategies to make learning more interesting for their students. We utilise a blend of technology, interactive teaching strategies, and real-world connections to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment. 

Incorporating these strategies into your children at home can significantly enhance student engagement and make learning more interesting. By leveraging technology, integrating fun learning activities, and applying real-world connections, educators can create an environment where students are motivated and excited to learn.

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